In females, this occurrence is known as menopause. The male counterpart to this is known as Andropause.
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) is a medical term to describe a non-cancerous condition where the prostate is enlarged. Prostate enlargement is a condition that invariably affects every man when they progress with age.
When prostate enlarges, it can compress the urethra, which is a tube passage that drains the bladde, causing urinary symptoms. Some men with the condition may not experience any symptoms. The urinary symptoms are common in men over the age of 50.
Your doctor will perform a physical examination to examine your abdomen, genital area, and your rectum. Your doctor may conduct a blood test to check your kidney function and blood tests tumor markers known as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to rule out prostate cancer. You may also need to do a urine test.
Urinary symptoms can affect a persons’ quality of life, daily function and sleep. In chronic cases of incomplete release and retention of urine in the bladder, one has a higher risk of urine infection, urine stones or even kidney infections.
If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should consult your doctor.
Lifestyle Modification
Oral Medications
Catheters are tubes that are inserted through your penis into the bladder in order to help drain out urine. This is useful for those who have trouble urinating in an acute setting.
When lifestyle changes and oral medications are ineffective, you may need to consult a urologist on surgical and other more invasive options:
In females, this occurrence is known as menopause. The male counterpart to this is known as Andropause.
Male Pattern Hair Loss is also medically known as Androgenic Alopecia. It is a common condition in men, when this type of hair loss occurs in females, it is termed Female Pattern Hair Loss.
Peyroine’s disease is a rare condition that causes your penis to bend when erect, leading to painful erections.
PPPs are tiny raised bumps that appear on the shaft just below your penis’ head.
Balanitis is a type of skin inflammation that occurs over the head of the penis that commonly affects men.
Seeing blood in your semen can be very alarming, especially if you have never experienced anything like that before. This condition is medically referred to as hematospermia.
Testosterone is a male hormone primarily produced in the testicles.
Also referred to as prostate inflammation, prostatitis is a condition that causes infection, inflammation, and pain in your prostate gland.
Delayed ejaculation, or impaired ejaculation, occurs when a man is consistently unable to get an orgasm and ejaculate even with sufficient sexual stimulation and arousal.
Ejaculation is the release of semen from your penis during an orgasm. When ejaculation happens faster than either you or your partner would like