Genital Warts
Genital Warts can appear as small skin-colored lumps that can occur as a single lesion or multiple lesion. It is caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV), and it can be spread via skin contact to another person. In some, warts can resolve themselves; in others, it can remain or grow in number or size. You are advised to speak to your doctor regarding treatment options.
Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum vaginal lumps characteristically appear as multiple discrete pearly white to skin-colored small bumps with a central depression known as ”umbilication”. The lumps are caused by a virus called the pox virus. They are commonly found in children. When this occurs in adults, it is typically associated with Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs). You are advised to speak to your doctor regarding treatment and consider screening for other STIs.
Infected Bartholin Cyst
Bartholin glands are found at the entrance of a lady’s vagina, one on each side. In normal situations, they are neither felt nor seen. They work by secreting fluid into the inner part of the labia to keep the vagina moist and lubricated.
When Bartholin glands are blocked, the collection of fluid in the gland causes the development of a Bartholin cyst. Pain arises when the Bartholin glands become infected. Antibiotics and Sitz baths may be recommended by your doctor. If the infected cysts become more prominent and more painful, surgical treatment may be required as antibiotics alone may be inadequate.
Infected Bartholin cysts can recur in some women. In such instances, they may be referred to the gynecologist for a procedure known as marsupialization. This procedure is performed to destroy the cyst and prevent future episodes. Do speak to your doctor for further advice on treatment of Bartholin cyst.
Syphilis lump (medically known as chancre) typically appears as a solitary none-painful lump over the genital area. Similar lesions can be found over the mouth or lip. This is caused by an infection from a bacteria known as Treponema Pallidum, and it is transmitted by sexual contact. Although the lump can resolve on its own, you will need medication for treatment, as it can have future medical complications if left unattended.
Herpes Sores
Herpes lumps and bumps characteristically appears in a group of multiple red angry water blisters that eventually become painful sores and ulcers over the genital region. It is contagious, and it can be spread via sexual contact. Although there is no cure to it, there are medications that can effectively alleviate the symptoms and prevent future recurrence. Please speak to your doctor.