In females, this occurrence is known as menopause. The male counterpart to this is known as Andropause.
Premature ejaculation rarely stems from a physical problem; contributing factors are usually emotional or psychological in nature.
Some psychological triggers may be temporary. For instance, an individual may have experienced premature ejaculation during early sexual experiences, but as they grow older and have more sexual experience, they learn different techniques to help delay ejaculation.
Otherwise, premature ejaculation is usually caused by:
- Age
- Poor self-esteem or body image.
- Depression.
- History of sexual abuse, either as the victim, survivor, or perpetrator.
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Worrying about ejaculating too early
- Issues or dissatisfaction in your intimate relationship
- Excess levels of testosterone
Note: It is not uncommon for patients with erectile dysfunction to experience premature ejaculation as many tend to rush through sex before losing their erection.