Hormones are chemicals that are produced by the endocrine system of the body to maintain […]
Douching is the physical act of washing the internal vagina with water or ‘mixed liquid’. Feminine douche is commonly available over the counter. They are usually made up of mixed water and iodine, baking soda, vinegar, fragrant or other chemicals etc. Feminine douche are administered by squirting the douche mixture upwards through a bottle nozzle into the vagina to ‘clean’ the vagina.
Some ladies may have the habit of douching, in order to feel ‘cleaner and fresher’. One may douche in hope to take away unpleasant vaginal smell, leftover menstrual blood, or even hoping to prevent STDs and pregnancies after intercourse.
In this articles, we discuss about the cons of douching, and many reasons why you should avoid douching.
The healthy vaginal microenvironment is slightly acidic with abundant hydrogen peroxide (H202) producing lactobacilli. By constantly producing lactic acid to keep the vaginal pH less than 4.5, these ‘good’ lactobacilli bacteria avoid the growth of ‘bad’ bacteria and fungi. The lactobacilli also attached themselves to the surface lining of the vagina, competing with the ‘bad’ organism from adhering onto the vaginal wall, and secrete protective mucus and discharge for the vagina.
Douching can alter the microenvironment of the vagina which is made up good vaginal bacteria under an acidic environment. Healthy good vaginal bacteria protect the vagina from external insults such as infections. The act of douche can wipe out the good bacteria leading to overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungus leading to recurring vaginal infections.
Aside from removing the normal vaginal flora and causing overgrowth of ‘bad’ bacteria, douching can act as a ‘pressurised fluid transporter’, allowing external bacteria/viruses (pathogens) to ascend from the vagina to the cervix, uterus, fallopian tube, ovaries or even the abdominal cavity. This can eventually lead to pelvic inflammatory disease.
It is clinically documented that frequent douching is associated with bacteria vaginosis, recurring vaginal yeast infection, HIV and STDs infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, pre-termed labour and infertility.
Strangely but rightfully, the vagina cleans itself automatically. The vagina produces mucous accordingly to flush out the unwanted ‘bacteria’, menstrual blood, semen, or discharge and ensure the vaginal microenvironment and pH are maintained.
The external of the vagina can be rinsed with water and mild soap. If you have sensitive skin, chemical soap/bath may cause external vagina (vulva) irritation and dryness. Scented pads, tampons, sprays or powder should be avoided as these can cause vaginal irritation or even infection, in more severe cases.
No, douching before and after intercourse does not prevent STDs. On the contrary, douching can increase risk of contracting STDs including HIV as it washes away the ‘good’ bacteria in the vagina, leading to the vagina susceptible to external bacterial STDs and virus STDs.
Regular douching is associated with female related vaginal infection such as bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis (fungal infection). Those who douche weekly has a 5 times increase risk of developing bacterial vaginosis. Due to a significant reduction of H202 lactobacilli, the vagina environment is tempered with a hostile overgrowth of ‘bad’ bacteria such as Gardnerella spp, Mycoplasma hominis and etc.
Bacterial vaginosis though is not a STD, increases the risk of a women acquiring STDs, and frequently is associated with womb lining infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, pre-termed labour and low birth weight in babies.
It is a ‘chicken-and-egg’ situation whether women with abnormal vaginal symptoms engage in douching in hope to ease the symptoms, or women who engage in douching subsequently develop abnormal vaginal symptoms. Regardless of the chronological causative link, there is a strong association of douching and female-related vaginitis.
Douching is unlikely to resolve vaginitis and may exacerbate the symptoms further by ‘over-cleansing’ and causing greater susceptibility of contracting other infections. If you have abnormal vaginal symptoms, you are advised to see your female health care professional for further treatment and management of your condition.
With the act of douching, reducing the amount of ‘good’ vaginal bacteria, the vagina is even more susceptible to STDs such as Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis and other bacterial STDs.
As mentioned above, as the act of douching provides a vacuum-transport-pathway for the untreated STD bacteria, one can be predisposed to ascending infection of the womb, fallopian tube, ovaries, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic scarring and infertility.
It is understandable that some women douche following experiencing abnormal vaginal symptoms such as itching, abnormal discharge, pain or irritation, discomfort down below. Unfortunately douching does not resolve the symptoms, in fact it may even exacerbate the underlying problem. You should see your medical professional staff whom you are comfortable with to further evaluate your symptoms. STD tests may be offered accordingly to one’s exposure risk and symptoms. Only via testing, the right medication can be offered to treat and resolve the symptoms.
Interestingly the healthy acidic vaginal environment is able to partially inactivate viruses including HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). The vaginal flora changes when a personal douche the vagina, with an obliteration of acidic lactobacilli and vaginal protection layer, a rise of vaginal pH and production of inflammatory cells. These inevitably encourages the ‘bad’ bacteria such as bacterial vaginosis or external pathogens (STDs), HIV to thrive more easily.
No, douching does not prevent pregnancy. It is not medically proven to control and avoid unwanted pregnancies. While douching can wash away the semen in the vagina, the sperm inside the semen can travel quickly into the cervix, uterus, fallopian tube to fertilise the ‘egg’. Douching is unable to halt the progressive journey of the sperm.
If you are concerned of pregnancy after unprotected sex, you can consider emergency contraception to prevent becoming pregnant. You can consider long term contraception methods if you have recurring risk of unwanted pregnancy. You can understand more on various contraceptive options by consulting your health care provider.
One may consider douching out of ‘hygiene’ purpose, amelioration of vaginal odor, resolution of vaginal discomfort, avoidance of STDs or even pregnancy. Nonetheless, there is no clinical proof to support the use of douche for the above roles.
If there are abnormal vaginal symptoms and concerns of vaginal infections including STDs, douching will not help the underlying condition. One will need appropriate medical attention and treatment. In some cases, vaginal swab testing, urine test, blood tests, STD tests may be required to evaluate for the underlying vaginal infection.
Using douching as a mode of preventing pregnancy is ineffective and medical contraception is advised.
There is no sufficient medical data to prove the benefits of douching and good evidence to show that douching can be detrimental to health. It is hence, advisable to avoid douching.
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