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Have you ever had an episode where you had to cross and uncross your legs in public due to the itchy sensation below? Or an episode of urgent need of the bathroom to scratch the itchy genitalia? The symptom may sound trivial, but it can profoundly impact our lives, affecting our daily routine and causing embarrassment when socialising with others.
Genital itch is a common medical symptom that can occur in anybody. It is a non-discriminative symptom, regardless of your educational or socioeconomic background.
Genital itch symptoms can be broadly categorised into dermatological versus infectious/sexually transmitted disease STD-related causes.
Some various bacteria or parasites can cause symptoms of itch over the genitalia when the infection is left unattended. This includes chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma Genetalium, Gardnerella bacteria, Trichomonas parasites, etc. These are commonly associated with sexually active people. If you are having trouble with genital itching and you are in a sexual relationship, do discuss it with your doctor and consider further screening for sexually related infections. These bacterial/parasitic-related sexually transmitted infections are treatable, and they do not resolve on their own unless treated with the correct medications.
A genital itch can be an embarrassing symptom to present to your doctor. Nonetheless, the condition is manageable if the right cause is determined and dealt with.
You are encouraged to see your doctor when your symptoms persist and cause impairment and nuisance to your daily routine.
Further red flags to note and consider seeing your doctor if you have:
Although 'itch' is a generally benign symptom, it may be a tell-tale sign of a more serious medical condition that requires treatment. Do see your doctor if the genital itch symptoms are not improving or if you develop any of the red flags discussed above.
As genital discomfort or itch can be a private and embarrassing condition, you are encouraged to see a doctor that you are comfortable with.
Your doctor will obtain a relevant history of your symptoms and relevant social/sexual histories. Your doctor will then physically examine your genitalia region for skin integrity. In females, your doctor may request, with your consent, a vaginal examination. In males, your doctor may request, with your consent, to examine your scrotal and penis region. Depending on individual conditions, your doctor may examine the rest of the body for other relevant body signs associated with your symptoms. Your doctor may also offer various tests in the form of blood, swab, scrape, or even urine tests depending on the working differential diagnosis.
The treatment and management of itchy genital symptoms depend on the cause. In dermatological causes, your doctor may offer topical medicated cream as a steroid, antifungal, or antibacterial to manage the symptoms. In more severe cases of concern with fungal infections, your doctor may prescribe oral antifungals to manage the symptoms. Lifestyle advice to reduce triggers that irritate dermatological symptoms will be discussed.
If the underlying cause is an untreated infection, you may be offered targeted treatment through oral medication, cream, or even procedures such as cryotherapy or electrocautery.
Discuss your symptoms with your doctor, allow your doctor to examine your condition, and discuss the treatment options available to manage your genital itch symptoms with your doctor.
Although itch can be a completely benign symptom that potentially resolves spontaneously, if the symptom is not addressed appropriately, one may miss or delay diagnosing an underlying medical condition. In the event of dermatological-related itchy genitalia, if the underlying skin condition is not addressed, one may have recurring symptoms in the near future. In the event of infectious-related itchy genitalia, one will have an untreated infection and be at risk of developing complications from the infection and spreading the disease to people around you.
There are effective treatments to manage the itch in the genital region. Understanding the possible differentials and having the courage to seek medical help are paramount steps to take to take control of your health and your overall quality of life.
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Allergies can occur to anyone, anytime. Allergies can affect our daily activities and reduce our quality of lives.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), and alternatively known as sexually transmitted infections (STI) are spread via sexual contact, transmitted from a person to another through contact with body fluids such as blood, vaginal fluid or semen.